Ministerial Resolution N° 40064 of 11 February 2022
Ministry of Energy and Mining
Ministerial Resolution N° 40064 of 11 February 2022
Considering that the Ministry of Mines and Energy has the power to encourage and formulate clear and direct policies concerning the mining and energy sector, they may declare different areas from the territory as reserves areas for mining and energy development. These declaratory help to define strategic areas for development activities for a term of 2 years, extendable for the same time and with the purpose of orderly managing renewable resources and the exploitation of fossil fuels ensuring the maximization of the resources. Based on these assessments, the National Mining Agency (ANM) and the National Hydrocarbons Agency have implemented several mechanisms to delimit these areas that can be exploited to explore and subtract hydrocarbons. These areas are known as Land Maps
In addition, Resolution 40064 delimits new areas of the territory for energy and mining development since these lands have a high potential in mining resources. In the same way, the Resolution resolves that, in these areas, there should be no proposals for a mining concession, exploration, and/or mining or hydrocarbon exploitation. These Lands, because of the resolution, are outside the National Mining Agency nor the National Hydrocarbons Agency’s supervision. The procedure states that, before the declaration of reserve areas, it is necessary (i) to coordinate and concurrence a soil analysis and (ii) the prior consultation in case it may need it.
After all the application of these criteria, the studied zone will be declared a reserved area that, later, maybe declared strategic zones for mining and energy development.
Attached is the link that refers to Resolution 40064 which contains the new areas declared strategic by the minister on February 11, 2022: