Colombia has a culture of entrepreneurship, recognised in the Americas as being a consequence of the temperament of the people, economic and social crises, as well as endemic violence that has fostered resilience and a high capacity for work. The fostering of human...
In-kind contribution for the incorporation of a company
By means of official letter 115 - 077651 dated April 10, 2024, the Superintendence of Corporations explained how to convert into shares the value of the contributions in kind for the incorporation of new companies. For instance, the shareholders of the company in the...
Labor Reform Approved in Second Debate in the House of Representatives
The House of Representatives approved the labor reform bill presented by the National Government with 93 votes in favor and 13 against. The approved bill contains 81 articles, including provisions for increasing remuneration on mandatory rest days from 75% to 100%, to...
Advance for Future Capitalizations Must Follow Terms Agreed Between the Company and Interested Shareholders (Superintendency of Companies, Office 220-046662 of 2024)
The Superintendency of Companies issued guidance on the advance operation for future capitalizations, reiterating the process involved in establishing an advance for future capitalizations, which may lead to a statutory reform impacting the company's share capital. It...
Resolution No. 532 of 2024 UGPP: Establishing a Cost Assumption Scheme for Self-employed Workers and Those Who Enter Contracts
Recently, the Special Administrative Unit of Pension Management and Social Security Contributions (“UGPP” by its initials in Spanish) issued Resolution 532 of 2024, establishing a cost assumption scheme for self-employed workers and those who enter contracts other...
Ministry of Labor Proposes Regulations for Reporting Major Incidents or Accidents in Classified Facilities
The Ministry of Labor has published a draft resolution to regulate procedures for reporting major incidents and accidents in classified facilities, aligning with international industrial safety standards to promote a safer and more responsible work environment. The...
Senate Approval of Tax Reform Bill which amends Article 855 of the Tax Statute regarding refunds and/or compensation for tax credit balances
The Senate of the Republic has approved a bill in the second debate to amend Article 855 of the Tax Statute, specifically regarding refunds and/or compensation for tax credit balances. The bill reduces the timeframe for the Tax Administration to issue refunds for tax...
A guide to foreign investment in real estate in Colombia
The Colombian real estate market is experiencing significant growth and development. By 2024, the market is expected to reach a staggering value of USD$2.58 trillion. The residential real estate segment holds the dominant position, projected to be US$2.17 trillion in...
Nueva resolución de la DIAN amplía los plazos para la presentación de la información exógena cambiaria
Desde hace varios meses, tanto los titulares de las cuentas de compensación como los Intermediarios del Mercado Cambiario (IMC) y otros obligados, estaban esperando una decisión por parte de la dirección de impuestos, referente a las modificaciones que haría la...
Newsletter June
New customs statute With the execution of Decree 0659 of 2024, a new Customs Statute has entered into force. The new Decree seeks to streamline Colombia's international trade; will allow the National Tax and Customs Directorate (DIAN) to improve controls against...